Part 6: CSI: Seattle
Part 06 - CSI: Seattle(This one will be a cute lil' mini-update to wrap up the Barrens.)
On our own again, it's time to focus properly on this murder investigation!

Ooh is that a donut stand over there

A little something for the road. Dan also tells us that he was closed at the time of the murder so he didn't see anything, adding that it's nothing particularly unusual in the Barrens anyway.
We've only been here for about 20 minutes and we've already gunned down like eight people so I suppose that checks out.

The crime scene is right across the road, although it seems like we're not the only ones interested in this particular alleyway.

The grumbling bum backs away.

Of course, Kuprik here won't just let us pass either. We could try to tell him that Dresden sent us over or talk some bullshit about looking into "spectral DNA", but neither works. A simple ¥100 bribe or the Security etiquette which we don't have would do the job, though. Alternatively...

[The officer's face lights up as he takes a sip. He seems pretty trusting, for an officer of the law.]

Sad to sacrifice a perfectly fine donut, but maybe it's better this way. The jelly was probably made out of gasoline or something anyway.

Wait, seriously? You swallowed that one without question just because I brought you a donut? You people are all hilariously terrible at your jobs.
Alright, let's see, what do we got here...

So we're looking for an opera singer with an interest in chemistry, gotcha. We take the test tube piece with us as a souvenir.

What a coincidence, that's exactly where Sam was murdered!
We also find the old man's coat and blanket. Might as well return them while... huh?

The Seamstresses Union again? Alright, alright, I get it already, we'll go visit the place. Geez. We take the receipt, and receive 3 Karma for our investigative efforts.
Back on the street...

The Seamstresses Union you say? Can't say I've heard of the place, maybe I should write down the name in case it comes up again sometime.

Well this doesn't seem at all relevant. Must've been from internal affairs, you can tell by the donuts.

Hospital attachments on his right hand? What, like stethoscopes or something? I don't get how any of this is supposed to help us at all, but I guess that's to be expected from some crazy hobo who believes in elves.

Well, our next destination has been made clear enough. First we go back to Dan the Donut Man, which I genuinely hope is just his full name, to see if he remembers this mysterious donut purchaser.

Ah well, guess that would've made things too easy. We chat up a couple more locals as well, and one of the merchants closing up for the night mentions something interesting.

We already knew about the lights, but nobody had mentioned any explosions. Murphy, I think we have a mystery on our hands!
Last and probably the least, there's this chump hanging around outside the Seamstresses Union entrance.

Bobby here is our first merchant, peddling some cheap

The +2 Body from Kamikaze is probably the most useful effect here, but to be honest I'd rather just carry an extra Medkit since inventory space is quite limited. There's no addiction mechanic or other adverse effects beyond what's stated in the descriptions, though.

Time to go see what all the hubbub is about.